Thursday, February 3, 2011

It Wasn't Broke, but I Fixed it Anyway

I just installed my fixed gear cog on my bike today and gave it a test spin up and down the street. The install was super easy and now I have 2 bikes in 1! I can now go either single speed or fixed gear by simply flipping over my rear wheel. My initial thoughts after testing the FG:
1. "Wow, this is going to take some getting used to!"
2. "This is a blast!"
3. "It's not going to take much distance to get a good workout in!"

4. "I can't wait to ride this bike!"

The thing that first caught me off guard was when I subconciously tried to coast to make an adjustment. FAIL! You can't coast. It will take some getting used to with the mounting and dismounting so I don't fall on my face. I'm sure I will a few times, hopefully nobody will be watching. The second thing was the brakes. I didn't need them. I could slow down and even stop by slowing my pedal cadence adn then stop pedalling. Way cool. I could really feel it in my legs as I was testing this concept out.

I really think riding this bike is going to take my performance to another level when I get back on my regular road bike. I can't wait to ride this bike for a while and then switch back to the geared bike and see what differences there are.

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