Saturday, November 29, 2008

Useless Ride stats 11/29

COLD morning ride this morning.

Total miles - 10.12miles
Avg Speed - 13.9mph
Max Speed - 18.7mph
Time - 43 minutes

Nothing exciting this morning. The canal was steaming because the air was so cold (47 degrees). Had 1 dog that was being walked (on a leash) that had the look of death in his eyes for me. It was everything the poor lady could tdo to hold him back. I may need to start carrying protection in case there are critters out there not leashed and held back. Maybe a bo staff or nunchucks (not from the Wii).

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm in Texas!

It's hard to put the exclamation mark in the title. I'm not a big fan of Texas and luckily I'm passing through the top part via Amarillo along the 40. I found the above picture to be interesting because the grass/weeds are growing high enough to obscure the word "proud" (Mother Nature knows what's up).

Hopefully, I'll be in New Mexico soon and the virtual Texans are better than the real ones!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Useless Ride stats 11/23

2 days of riding in a row, a good weekend!

Total miles - 15.62miles
Avg Speed - 13.9mph
Max Speed - 24.1mph
Time - 1:07

I put the "urban assault" tires back on! (the average speed was up even) What a great feeling to ride on dirt again. The dust flying, the grit in the teeth, pure heaven. Tomorrow night, I should hit the Texas border on my virtual ride.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Useless Ride stats 11/22

Wow, it's been a while.
Total miles - 12.52
Avg speed - 13.6mph
Max speed - 24.1mph
Time - 55 minutes

Beautiful day for riding. Pulled the princess in the trailer. No bodies found in the canal (it was way shallow today too).

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Useless Ride stats 11/5

Total miles - 15.71 Miles
Avg Speed - 17.1 mph
Max Speed - 27.8 mph
Time - 55 minutes
Fairly strong head wind heading West. Nice day for riding! No bodies found in the canals.

I'm not sure if I'm getting stronger or just had a good speed day. The video below shows the type of headwind I had.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Useless Ride stats 11/2

Total miles - 9.12
Average speed - 16.2mph
Max speed - 27.2mph
Total time - 33:57minutes

Just a quick jaunt to the store & Tom & Erika's house. Had to use the lights towards the end of the ride. Felt good to be back in the saddle!