Tuesday, September 28, 2010

TdS Test Flight

With the TdS (Tour de Scottsdale) race rapidly approaching, I figured I needed to run some tests with some of the additions to my bike.
I recently changed my saddle (seat) to one that is more conducive to longer rides. It's not one of those huge gel-filled thingies but it has a little more cush. I also put the behind-the-saddle bottles cages, well, behind the saddle. I don't want to run out of water on this ride, so this will enable me to carry 4 bottles. The saddle is fine, but I need to adjust the cages so they don't poke me in the butt for 70 miles.

I also wanted to test my body. I have barely ridden 50 miles this whole month and needed to see how the "chicken legs" will fare. Also, the excema on my hands seems to be refusing to go away and I needed to see how they would do. The legs did pretty good! As the ride went on, they started to feel really good before the asked the rest of me to quit. I will do some light stationary riding this week and lots of stretching to be ready. The hands did good too. One of the reasons for my lack of riding has been these stupid hands. For most of the month, they've been cracking, bleeding, and painful. I AM seeing a homeopath to clear this up, but the process is taking longer than my current patience level. I am riding in this race on Sunday whether my hands hurt or not.

Overall, I was happy with my ride today. Not as fast as I would have liked, but not as slow as I could have gone either.

Useless ride stats:
Distance: 22.63 miles
Time: 1:20:25
Max speed: 24.5mph
Avg speed: 16.8mph
No bodies found in the canal!

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