Most parents are proud of their kids. To say that I'm insanely proud of my son would be a gross understatement.
Last night, I watched some old video footage of you and it reminded me how far you've come and how hard you've worked to get here. I was reminded of how little eye contact you made and what little language you had only a few short years ago. I remembered the day when the public school system labeled you "severely Autistic". I remembered the Tupperware lid spinning and the "pink milk" you carried around. That was then.
Now, I look at you with a swelling pride that only a father that knows how far you've come can feel. Last night, before bed, you were SO excited to be starting school today. This morning, you came downstairs and exclaimed "first day of school today!" with the biggest smile. Then we had the conversation about whether Andy (Schleck) would get back the "yellow shirt" [le Tour de France]. Just 3 years ago I wondered if we'd even be able to have conversations, now listen to the ones we have. The questions you ask are amazing! Your silliness warms my heart!You have worked so hard with your therapists in the past few years. I know they push you beyond your comfort zone and you may not like it; but you do the work. Look at how all that has payed off. You take your slurry of supplements without (much) protest. You are certainly a trooper and I'm proud of you!
Today you start first grade. Wow. Where has the time gone? I never imagined that you'd be in a top rated charter school among "neuro-typical" peers hanging right in there with them. You probably have to work a little harder than your classmates to get the job done, but you do it. Today, at your first day of school, you lined up with your class and gave us a "bye guys". You were ready to go! No hesitation whatsoever. I think you have a great teacher this year who will encourage you and help you grow as well. You will be challenged at times, but you can do it. You've proven that in the past. I can't wait to hear about your first day today. All the new things and new friends, I just may be as excited as you.
I know that sometimes I get frustrated, but do know that I am proud of all your accomplishments; both big & small. I look forward to all of the great challenges and experiences we will have together. I love you, Matthew.
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