Sunday, March 29, 2009

Useless Ride stats 3/29

Total Miles: 20.38
Time Taken: 1:14
Average Speed: 16.43mph
Top Speed: 25mph
Close Calls: 0
Railroad tracks crossed: 2
Freeways Crossed: 1 (twice)

Ride started out cold this morning, but once my fingers and ears went numb (few miles in), things were cranking. Rode south from my house along the canal until pavement ended and continued another few miles alon Lindsay. I must say, I love riding Lindsay. The road that is. The bike lanes are usually debris free & in good condition, and traffic is usually light. I wish all roads the the east valley could be like Lindsay. I was hoping for a longer ride this morning, but one road that didn't go through caused me to turn and therefore shorten my ride. I need to start riding longer rides since my Gila Bend ride is coming up in September.

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