Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm out of Texas!

I know my header should be "I'm in New Mexico", but my dislike for Texas leans me to be more excited to not be there (virtually). I ronically, I fly to El Paso next Tuesday where I'll probably break my 2000 mile mark for he year (if the hotel gym has a bike). Yes, I'm only 36.78 miles away from the 2000 mile goal I set for myself this summer. Kinda cool!

I saw something on the road the other day that struck me as odd. A guy was riding his bike down the sidewalk (a huge pet peeve) and got all torqued when a car pulled across the sidewalk to check for a break in traffic so he could go wherever. Dude had no reason to be honed off; he shouldn't have been on the side walk. There was a perfectly good bike lane righht next to him on the street. For those who like to ride on side walks-please stop. Cars do not expect a bicycle to come flying down the sidewalk and the possibility of being hit is far greater than if you're on the street. Now if you're 8 years old and going to school, that's different. Adults should ride in the street (in the bike lane) and obey the same traffic laws as cars.

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